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Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Apology phenomenon Luna Maya and Cut tari

Apology phenomenon Luna Maya together is a keyword research Online information service providers. Especially if the goal is not to increase site traffic. Although the World Cup will end soon because the game final round of World Cup 2010 will take place soon. Or the story of Luna Maya and Ariel, who dragged the case of a porn video (which he said the American media is declining moral values the Indonesian nation, even though Indonesia is the largest Muslim populated country in the world) also had lasted some time. But it seems these keywords will still be much in demand until the next few days.

Luna Maya and Apology Cut Tari

Various online and offline media, both print and electronic-yack write and publish apology cut tari and Luna Maya. Pro cons still is there, there are sumringah in response to the attitude of their apology, there are still too cynical.

Obviously people still baffled by the circulation of a video nasty artists like Ariel Peterpan, Luna Maya, and the Dance Cut. An apology alone is not sufficient, because the public wanted clarity or confession from Luna and Cut Tari.

When Ariel Peterpan been detained by police and crouch behind the "bars", Luna Maya and Cut Tari only say sorry to the public. There was no single word recognition confirmed the role of both in the video (Hmmm, how long you'll have clarity).

For most people may just not have to wait for recognition Luna Maya and Cut Tari, why? because they are 100% very confident that both the artist is truly a video nasty perpetrators Ariel preformance.

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